Does your dog hog your bed, or your cat sleep right on your head? You’re not alone. At FDA, we, too, consider our furry friends’ important members of the family. As you get ready for this holiday season, keep in mind these eight-holiday safety tips to avoid New Year hazards for your dogs, coming to you straight from the horses’ mouth. In other words, from some of the pets of FDA employees.
- Giving your dog a stocking full of treats? Make sure he doesn’t gobble them up all at once. Unchewed treats can get stuck in the throat or cause stomach problems.

- Making salt-dough ornaments as a family project? Don’t let your animals eat them. They contain a dangerous amount of salt and can poison your pet.

- Tinsel and ribbon all over the place? Your kitty may want to play with them and worse, eat them. They can cause serious stomach damage.

- Keep plants like poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe out of reach of your pets. They can be toxic to cats and dogs.

- So tempting to give your dog table scraps. But resist. Fatty treats like turkey skin or the fatty rind from a ham can cause pancreatitis. And keep your pup out of the trash can when you dispose of a turkey carcass. Bones can cause serious internal injuries.

- You may know chocolate is bad for dogs. So is alcohol. But that’s not all.
- Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in sugar-free candy and chewing gum, as well as baked goods, some nut butter, and toothpaste.
Tell your dog to keep his paws off! Dogs have died after poking into purses and gobbling up sugar-free chewing gum or eating other xylitol-sweetened products.

- Close and put away (or dispose of) open potato chips, cereal, or other snack bags left around the house. Animals have stuck their noses and heads in to get at the goodies and suffocated.

A very happy–and safe holiday season avoiding New Year hazards for your dogs from our pets!
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