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Over 40+

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wise and healthy aging
Calik, MD

10 Ways to Make Human Connections for Wise and Healthy Aging

Numerous studies show that relationships and strong social ties improve physical, emotional, and mental health in aging and may prolong the lifespan, and here are 10 ways to make human connections for wise and healthy aging.

Supplements And Antioxidant Foods For Anti-Aging
Dr.Denise Winters

Supplements and Antioxidant Foods for Anti-Aging: A Practical Guide for Over 40

Anti-aging supplements and antioxidant foods are shown to replenish what the body has lost over time. They’ll reinvigorate skin, muscles, internal organs, hair, and other parts of our bodies. For the boomer generation, the standard of living is becoming an all-important topic. Supplements and antioxidant foods for anti-aging are the latest craze within the war against wrinkles, lines, puffy eyes, sagging body parts, hair loss, and lack of energy. Fighting signs of aging from the “inside out” is that the best way for people to urge a foothold in battle with the aging process.

Can Metformin help you lose weight
Dr.Denise Winters

Can Metformin Help You Lose Weight? The Truth Behind in 2021

Metformin is primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes, but it could also be used to help people lose weight. Great results can be achieved, especially in combination with exercise and a healthy diet. Will my doctor prescribe metformin for weight loss? Does metformin reduce belly fat? How exactly can metformin help you lose weight?

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