Can Quercetin Supplement Prevent From COVID-19

Can Quercetin Supplement Prevent from COVID-19?

Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevention from Covid-19 is also evaluated in many studies.

Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.

Can Quercetin Supplement Be A Possible Prevention For COVID-19?

Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which might help reduce inflammation, fight with cancer cells, control blood sugar, and help prevent heart disease.

How Quercetin Works in Covid-19?

Early in March 2020, IBM’s supercomputer-Watson AI, ran thousands of simulations to analyze which drug compounds might effectively stop the virus from infecting host cells. Watson identified 77 of them also including Quercetin. It’s a promising step toward creating the most effective treatment. We also mentioned in of our posts that Melatonin as a sleep aid supplement may also be a viable treatment choice for COVID-19 and was also listed in the IBM research.

While waiting for vaccination, taking hygienic measures, social distancing and personal protective equipment are the only basic protection against Coronavirus nowadays. However, these are not sufficient to protect healthcare workers on the front line. One of the recent studies from Turkey aimed to evaluate if Quercetin and vitamin C that could be protective against Coronavirus.

Prof. Dr. Hasan Önal, co-author of this study, explained that the combination of Quercetin and vitamin C, which he synthesized in the laboratory environment, gives immunity to the disease caused by COVID-19. After the study was approved by the ethics committee, Quercetin was applied to healthcare workers in the high-risk group, and after 120 days of observation and it was found that only 1 out of 71 healthcare workers caught COVID-19. So these researchers think that Quercetin supplement prevent from COVID-19.

The method of application in this study was 500mg of quercetin, 500mg of vitamin C, and 50mg of bromelain (QCB) that was initiated daily in 2 divided doses in the prophylaxis group.

We advise Isoquercetin which is another form of quercetin and its absorption in the intestine is 5 times better with its effectiveness being higher.

Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.

Samuel F. Yanuck, DC, of the Program on Integrative Medicine at the University of North Carolina, who co-authored a review of emerging research on this matter reveals the effects as Quercetin is important as one of the multiple flavonoids shown in vitro to block the activity of a critical enzyme for coronavirus replication. Animal studies are limited at this time but support efficacy.

Paul E. Marik, MD, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, written by, there. Marik included quercetin in the institution’s COVID-19 management protocol for prophylaxis and mild to moderate cases. Marik co-authored another paper on Quercetin and vitamin C as a potential COVID-19 therapy.

Researchers think that vitamin C should be administered with Quercetin producing a synergistic effect and enhancing its antiviral capability.

How Quercetin supplement prevents virus from entering cells?

The Quercetin flavonoid used in the ingredient is a proven substance that has been used for potential protective effects for diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and asthma. It is also used for arthritis, bladder infections, and diabetes with limited scientific evidence. When combined with vitamin C, Quercetin prevents infection by strengthening the immune system and preventing the COVID-19 virus from entering cells, but whether Quercetin will stand the test of rigorous trials remains unclear.

How much to use Quercetin?

Onions have the highest level of Quercetin compared to other tested products, containing approximately 300 mg per kilogram. If people decide to take Quercetin as a supplement, the most usual dose is 500 mg per day. In most of the supplements may also include substances, such as bromelain or vitamin C, which may help the body absorb Quercetin more effectively.

What is the usage dosage for protection?

The researchers recommended dose for protection from Covid 19 infection is 2 x 250 mg. If left in contact with coronavirus patient, it is recommended to use 4 x 250 mg for a few days. There is no point in taking it if it is not used regularly. The contagiousness of the virus has increased a lot and quercetin can provide protection for 4-6 hours with 1 capsule. Care should be taken to take the second dose during intense contact with people. We think that skipping the dose will remain vulnerable and cannot prevent the Covid-19 virus transmission.

Quercetin might make kidney problems worse, so Do NOT use it if you have kidney problems. For more side effects and interactions please check and /or consult your physician.

How Harvard Researcher David Sinclair (and Dave Asprey) Manage COVID-19 Risk

In this special podcast episode of Bulletproof Radio, microbiologist and geneticist David Sinclair, Ph.D., gives a thoroughly researched perspective on the coronavirus, plus concrete steps you can take and lifestyle changes you can make to potentially lower your own risk.

You may listen on the below podcast for an in-depth discussion of recent coronavirus research and the COVID-19 strain that’s making its way around the world how you can possibly manage prevention from Coronavirus.

David is a professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and founding director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging at Harvard. He’s best known for his extensive research on lifespan extension and treatment of diseases for aging. He’s an award-winning researcher whose work on resveratrol, NAD, and reprogramming to reverse aging have been widely hailed as major scientific breakthroughs.

In case you’re interested for the transcript of the podcast, you may download the Free PDF from this Link.

PS: For anyone interested in key takeaways from Harvard Researcher David Sinclair (and Dave Asprey), I’m adding the advised Immunity-Boosting Protocol below:

Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.
  • Intermittent fast
  • Keep your blood sugar levels low by avoiding sugary foods
  • Quercetin (500-600 mg, 1-2x a day)
    • Research indicates quercetin inhibits viral replication.
Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus. Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus. Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.
  • Zinc (30-50 mg/day)
Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.Studies suggest that Quercetin supplement could be one part of a Covid-19 treatment regimen along with interventions like Remdesivir and that its availability from over-the-counter and relatively good safety profile serve as advantages. Quercetin supplement prevent from Covid-19. Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, found in capers, red apple, red onion, berries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea is also being eyed by some scientists as a supplement in potential adjunct therapy for patients with Coronavirus.

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