Exercises for new moms may include running, walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, and more. There are a number of ways to get exercise with your baby and still enjoy the great outdoors. It can be very easy for new mothers to feel that they don’t have time to work out and really feel like working out is a waste of time. That’s why it’s important to have some good postpartum exercise tips. Here are some of them.
Start by getting physically fit. Running or jogging is a great way to get the blood flowing and to help you relax at the same time. If you do this on a regular basis, you’ll find that you will enjoy doing it even more. You’ll be healthier and your baby will benefit from it as well.
Yoga is also a great exercise for new moms. Yoga is a form of gentle exercise that you can do in conjunction with the other exercises above. It is low impact, but it does require a little focus and concentration. It’s important to make sure that you have fun while doing these workouts though.
The best workouts are those that you enjoy doing. This means that if you don’t think that you’ll like a particular exercise, don’t do it. This advice is just as much for the first few weeks after birth, as it is for the rest of your pregnancy and beyond. Your baby is depending on you to get regular workouts and to keep him active so he’ll grow up healthy and strong. If you don’t want to do any of those exercises that you love, there are plenty that you can do instead.
If you want to get postpartum workout advice, you can always speak to your doctor about it. There are many different postpartum types of workouts that you can do with your baby. You can do exercises that focus on the muscles in your abdomen or you can start doing cardio exercises. If you are a new mom, you will probably be more comfortable doing exercises that focus on the muscles in your back, since most new moms receive special care at their homes during this time. Postpartum exercises are typically easy for most moms to do. You can get a list of the ones that are recommended by your doctor or search for them online.
* Please keep the most important rule in mind: Talk to your ob-gyn or midwife before you start any workout regime and get his or her okay.
What are the signs that my body isn’t ready to start exercising again?
Watch out for red-flag signs, including:
- Abdominal pain,
- Vaginal pain,
- Bleeding,
- Other fluid leakage (i.e., urine or feces),
- Heaviness in your pelvic region or organs coming out of your vagina (that can be a sign of pelvic organ prolapse)
If you experience any of the above symptoms, stick to walking for now and check in your practitioner. “Your primary care physician or your ob-gyn knows you the best and can give you the right recommendation.
Yoga and postpartum exercise are good ways to get the exercise that you need. Even if you aren’t ready for a yoga or exercise class right away, you should be able to start seeing benefits soon enough. If you aren’t already doing any type of exercise, try taking a yoga class after you give birth. This will help you get the balance between your new role as mother and your old role as a fitness freak. Exercises for new moms can help you get your body in shape as well as your mind.
Beginner Workout for New Moms
How to Burn Fat and Tone Up after Pregnancy with Postpartum Exercise? (30-Minute Postnatal Workout)
Today, we’re going to cover a training for an issue that we get asked a lot with a video by Amy from Body Fit.
This 30-minute workout uses both bodyweight and dumbbell exercises to safely get your body back into exercise after having a baby. Get your heart rate up for cardio for weight loss, as well as strengthen to tone and tighten your muscles. There are many options for all fitness levels as postpartum exercise.
You may find the detailed transcript for the video below:
Hi everybody I’m Amy from Body Fit, and this is your postnatal workout to get in shape after pregnancy. So maybe you had a baby about six weeks ago as I did, or maybe it’s been a few years since you’ve.
Had your babies, it doesn’t matter. This workout is for you. We’re, going to work on building up some strength and endurance, as well as hopefully shedding some of those extra pounds that we put on during pregnancy.
So, I’m, going to give you lots of options, but above all, listen to your body. If you need a break, take a break and as always, please make sure that you have been cleared by your doctor for exercise before you begin this or any other workouts.
Are you ready? Let’s do it? Okay? So, we’re, going to start just kind of marching out. We’re going to roll through those shoulders. We’re just going to get moving nice and slow. We’re, not going to do any high impact in this workout.
It’s a little too much when we’re just getting back into it, big, deep breath in also, if you are breastfeeding, like me, you know it’s, not super comfortable to do a lot of high impact stuff Right away, maybe you’re further along in your postnatal journey.
It’s. Up to you, I’m gonna give you other videos. As I go along my journey, we’ll work. Our way up to that, let’s roll through our back, so we’re, going to go flat back down and then round it up. So probably all of you, like me, have a little bit of back pain and tightness.
Just from all the things we do as moms or reaching over in the crib to pick up the baby or off the floor, changing diapers all of those things let’s, go one more. I will hold underneath and we’re. Just gonna roll the shoulders, all those things can really put a lot of stress on your back, something to make sure we’re warming up and then we’re, also stretching them getting moving is certainly going to help one more And then walk your feet in round it up and we’ll just do little taps across.
So, we’re reaching across the start of my standard workout. Those are workout warm-ups. Just gonna serve as a little bit of a cardio portion, just getting our heart rate up getting everything moving again, we’re, taking it slow because, maybe like me, this is your first workout back.
This really is my first real workout back after baby. I did a couple things this week once I got cleared by my doctor, but not very much and let’s, get those hamstrings bringing them up. So, even just this is getting my heart rate up and that’s.
Okay, one thing we want to make sure is that we don’t, do too much too fast postnatal. We can do more harm than good if they try to rush it. I if you’re like me, I was really anxious to get back into it, but we got to take our time.
Our bodies just did this amazing thing. Let’s do a little toy soldier kicks. We just grew and birthed a baby, so we want to really take our time and be nice to our bodies coming back side there. I got three big rolls.
Okay, so we’re, going to start with just your basic squat so feet about shoulder-width apart, we’re, going to drive our hips to the back and just sit low and bring it up. So, as you come up on these squats, I want you to think about doing a Kegel.
So, we talked about Kegels (Pelvic Floor Exercises) a lot in pregnancy. It’s really important after pregnancy as well. So, if you don’t know what a Kegel is: You are squeezing, as if you’re, trying to stop the flow of urine. It is usually, the best way to describe it. So, at the top of the motion, just really squeeze everything up, pelvic floor muscles, squeeze that’s, not only going to help just with recovery, but it’s really gonna help with our abs.

It’s the number one thing that most women want to work on after pregnancy: its core right, so we got to think of those pelvic floor muscles working. Even in our leg exercises like this. Let’s, go two more and relax.
So, we’re, going to walk over where to grab our dumbbells. I’ve got mine over here on my bench here. You’ve got yours on the floor. Just make sure that you’re bending down to get them that we’re, not bending from the waist that you’re bending and the knees again.
We’re doing that all day, long with the babies. We’re, going to really be nice to our backs, so we’re, going to start with a basic, bicep, curl, so hands by the side. We’re, going to curl up and end down and out, so my heart rate is up after those squats.
I hope it is for you, so we’re. Getting our cardio with these strength moves. So, there’s. No need to do a whole bunch of extra cardio, certainly getting out and taking walks. I’ve, been doing that all the time with my baby and it’s been great, but no need to rush into a lot of cardio because we’re gonna get it with this workout so keep breathing.
We’re, going to get a couple more and then we’re going to do each one of those again. We’re, going to do a couple circuits of an upper body, lower body and then repeat: we’re, going to keep this workout pretty short.
If you need extra, you can do this again or you can do one of my other videos. Let’s go the last one excellent! So, here’s, an option. If you want, you can add the weights to that squat. It’s totally up to you.
I’m, going to have mine by my side or just drop them back down and do bodyweight like you did before here we go drive those hips back up, squeeze Kegels up it and squeeze so you can tell from the side and sitting as low as I can, I’m keeping my chest lifted, so I’m, not rounding in my back as I go over, but down super low.
Like you’re sitting in a chair you need to. You can even put the chair behind you. It’s totally up to you that tends to help pushing through those heels and really activate those glutes and hamstrings, not just the quads, and not putting too much pressure on the knee joints.
Ex-Squeeze, let’s, go a couple more last one excellence, a little different with the weights. If you were taking that option, let’s, go back to our bicep curls hands by the side. This time, hammer curl, we’re, going to curl up and in hand stay facing the sides so palms are facing in and down up and breathe.
So again, my heart rate is way up. After that, I can tell I haven’t done a lot of this in a while that’s. Okay, I feel good, I think, almost all moms. I live in a constant state of fatigue. We’re, always tired, and I actually feel pretty away fright now that exercise does bad, so all the more reason to be adding exercise into your day.
Even if you just get 10 minutes, it’s going to help and what’s, our main goal right. We just want to be healthy moms for our babies, healthy for everybody that we love in our lives as well as ourselves, get up, and one more and relax so go ahead and put your dumbbells down again bend your knees to do it grab a quick sip Of water, if you want it, and now we’re, going to go to a basic plie squat.
If you need more of a rest, just hit pause. Take your time toes are going out and we’re going to do the same idea. We’re, going to sit low into the plie as we come up, pull up and squeeze all those pelvic floor muscles.
So you’re, squeezing inner thighs, but quads kegels everything here we go drop it down, squeeze it up and squeeze we’re trying to get as low as we can and on this one we’re trying to stay Pretty straight up, we’re, not letting our chest drop or rounding in that lower back roll those shoulders back.
You really think about the ABS point want to be thinking about our ABS, the whole time again. They’re working. While we’re, doing upper body and lower body, and then we’ll, do some more core work on the mat at the end down and squeeze three let’s, get just former really fit low push into the heels Squeeze everything at the top inner thighs, glutes, quads, hamstrings and relaxed shake those out.
Okay, let’s, go ahead and grab our dumbbells again. We’re, going to go into a shoulder press. So, if you’ve got heavier. Dumbbells don’t worry. I’m, going to give you an option. If you’re lighter, we’re going to go here.
We’re, just going to press up and down so nice and slow and controlled coming down elbows level with the shoulders. If that feels like too much drop, one of your dumbbells hold it here. Just up and down I’ll stay here with you.
I can do the others, but I’m not going to lie guys. I’m, not really strong right now, then lifting the baby, a lot but haven’t really done in the weight training in a lot of weeks. So, I’m. You see here you last two one more and relax good.
So back to that plie squat catch your breath and again you have the option to add those dumbbells or drop your dumbbells and just do body weight. So we’re here. Toes are out. Can just rest those dumbbells if you’ve got them right here on top of the leg low and I relax your upper body.
We just work those shoulders so try to shake them out. Even though we’ve got a nice good posture. We don’t want to be up here, nice and tense again, a lot of stuff holding the baby rocking the baby, feeding the baby.
A lot of that puts us in awkward positions and our body can get pretty tight so that’s. Why exercising stretching is so important during this process? Go breathing just a couple more last, two all right! So let’s.
Go back to that shoulder press one dumbbell in the center or two here here we go, we’re going up and abs are pulled in. What I want you to make sure is that we’re, not arching, that back. You need to you can put one foot forward, pull the belly button in towards your spine, so we have nice abs.
Here we go and breathe last two good, quick sip of water. If you need it doing great guys. So if this feels really hard to you, that’s, okay, this feels easy that’s. Okay, too, we’re all at different levels in our postnatal recovery.
Some of you guys may have already been working out. You just wanted something a little more specific to postnatal and some of you guys might be with me and just getting back into it all right. Let’s, go into a lunge, so we’re gonna put one foot forward.
One foot back nice wide stance. If you feel off balance at all, you can grab a chair or the couch or the wall and just regular lunge, just drop it down press up through the heel. So, we’re trying to get as low as we can.
Both legs are working front. Leg is working a little harder, so really drive into that heel. If you’re like me, I had a c-section, so I can kind of feel that on my incision, so I’m gonna shorten my range of motion.
Just a little bit, I’m, going to still keep working. The ABS, while I pull in without putting a lot of pressure, so you do what’s best for you, you might need to make things a little smaller or a little bigger, depending on where your body is today, press.
Let’s. Get one more right here, nice and steady for three Blair go to one more out. We need exact same thing, other side, so just turn it here. Other foot forward, other foot back have schooled in good posture.
Here we go, you should feel a little off-balance lunge. Always do that to us so really focus on the core everything pulled in and don’t be afraid if you need to go ahead and put your hands here, so you can kind of really feel that activation again after pregnancy and specifically, if you Had a c-section like I did, you lose some sensation there from the surgery so or just from delivery.
So, we have to really focus to make sure we’re firing. Those muscles we’ll, go for more four and three last two and one excellent shake that out all right. Now we’re, going to go for some triceps, so grab both of your dumbbells.
Again, I’m, going to give you an option. You need to go a little lighter. I’m gonna turn to the side, so you can see so we’re gonna put them together straight up. I’m gonna go behind the head or triceps, so my elbows are in going here to here again if this feels like too much weight for you drop one down, grab the dumbbell on either side and go here.
I’ll stay here with you on this set. Maybe I’ll try both on the next set. Again, I’m, just getting my strength back to read everything pulled in and again we have one foot back for balance. We don’t lean into that.
So really make sure those elbows stay in and breathe, and let’s go last four, four, three two and one guy just check that out. We’re, really going to work these triceps to counterbalance our biceps. Our biceps kind of get overloaded when we have a baby is what are we doing all day Lent holding the baby rocking the baby.
So, these muscles are working hard, so it’s, really good to strengthen those triceps as well. So back to that lunge, we’re, going to take it starting in your starting position. If you want to add the dumbbells you can just like, we did with the squat, but you don’t have to ready here we go drop it down and press breathe.
Good posture abs pulled in again. If you need to make it a little. Smaller totally fine, you want to go super deep, the lower you get the more we’re gonna activate those glutes and hamstrings. There we go and we’ll go last four press three two and one more could check it out same thing, other side.
Now their foot forward roll the shoulders back and drop it down. Here we go abs, pull then drive through that heel. So, I keep mentioning the heel because we want to push through those toes and get our weight forward on these squats and lunges, but we want to make sure that really activate all the muscles, especially those glutes and hamstrings, which are really strong Yurika.
Last four, three, two, one more, relax guys shake that out triceps one last time I’m gonna turn. This way I’m going to do it two this time up to you, two dumbbells are one: take it up behind the head, bring it up so last exercise before we take it down to the mat and they’re going to Do some core and upper body and lower body on the mat as well elbows in make sure they’re, not sticking out to the side, putting pressure on the shoulders? And here we go for four three two and one excellent work guys so drop.
Those down grab a quick sip of water. You can just tap those feet, keep it moving, give yourself a few seconds of rest and they’re, going to go down on the mat with the dumbbells okay. So, we’re down on the mat with our dumbbells.
We’re, going to start on our knees, so we’re, going to start with a row which a lot of times we do this from a standing position. We’re, going to do this on our knees on the mat. Just we have a little bit more support again what I was talking about, how our backs get overworked when we’re reaching to grab the baby or changing diapers.
This is going to give us a little more support from this position. I’m, going to give you a few options. So, if you’re here, knees are just beneath the hips and we’re, going to have the hands and dumbbells directly beneath the shoulders.
Now, on all fours, you’re, not back here or here, nice and aligned. So, I’m just going to alternate just bringing it up one at a time also going to help me stabilize and work the abs while we’re doing this, so really think about pulling that belly button up and towards your spine.
I know a lot of you might be thinking what I’m thinking. We have a little extra skin there; things get a little loose and flabby after pregnancy. That’s, all normal.
We’re so glad they do because they allowed us to have babies, but really don ‘t worry about that. Just pull everything in as much as you cannot holding your breath and just alternating those rows. If you’re feeling pretty good, pretty strong, maybe you’ve been working out longer in your post Center recovery feel free to take it to those knees you can go here too.
You’re feeling really strong, totally fine to come up to full plank. I’m, not going to do that today, because I’m, not there yet, but maybe you are. You can certainly go to that level, but please be careful.
We listen to your body. Do what’s best for you trust me. You are still activating your core and working your back muscles from this position. Whether or not you’re on your knees or on your toes one more each side and relax, we’re gonna go big stretch back Child’s, Pose reach forward.
It’s, a good stretch. We should be doing all day. I try to do it when my I’m. Having my baby do tummy time, I try to get a little stretch, so I’m still hanging out with him, but getting a little bit of relaxation for myself too so dumbbells to the side, we’re, going to come down into A side plank, so I’m, going to stay on my knees again.
If you’re feeling strong or you’re further along in your recovery, you can go to the toes, but if we can eliminate the shoulder, we’re, going to lift up into a side plank. So, we’re, just holding here hand can be here or here again, if you’d like to be, you can come all the way up and then a family nice.
Here we go everything up and hold everything’s. Pulled in nice and tight, I kind of hang out here very long working those obliques. Well, we’re, also engaging the core pull everything in play: button just fine! We’ve got about 5 seconds to go, keep breathing four three two and one slowly down good and very carefully turn back into your mat with those dumbbells.
We’re, going to come back to our row, good job guys so nice in alignment, relax, those shoulders and alternating your row. So again, up to you, you would like to be further back on your knees in this position.
It’s, going to work the ABS a little bit more or up on the toes or just stay here with me, one at a time just breathe. Also, it takes a little bit of the pressure off the wrist. I don’t, know about you guys, but I have been getting a lot of wrist pain as well from breastfeeding.
And again, I’m started early in the process. My baby’s just about six weeks old, but I’m having to make sure that I take care of my wrist as well. Keep breathing and let’s, go two more last one and child’s pose stretch it back good work and then let’s, go other side with our side plank so slowly down really take your time coming down and Up kind of like when we get out of bed to get the baby in the middle of the night, it’s, not as easy as it used to be so.
Take your time engage those muscles elbow beneath the shoulder, lift it up and hold, and here we go so again you can be here or if you want to be up on those feet, you can or be here with me today or just holding so everything’s in nice and tight, you can even put this hand here to engage those ABS or have the hand down here it’s.
Up to you. We’re, not going to go crazy with the ABS today, and we don’t want to do too much too soon and make sure that we’re slowly. Building that strength back and relax excellent work, guys stretch it over, all right, so dumbbells out of the way let’s, come down slowly on your back, so just take your time use those hands again.
This is hard harder than it used to be so we’re gonna start hard. For me, we’re, going to start with a little basic pelvic tilt, so it’s. Gonna feel, like you’re, doing nothing, but it’s really important to engaging those ABS after pregnancy, again whether you had c-section or not.
So, the idea being that I’m trying to pull my hip bones up towards my rib cage. So obviously you’re, not going to get there, but it’s, really small. You want to breathe in and out pull it in and bring it up.
If you feel your glutes tightening, which I just did, I’m, going to take my knees out to the side so again that’s going to take that out of it. So, I really can’t use those glute muscles from this position, so here you just want to make sure that you’re really using the ABS.
So, this is how we activate we call the TVA or ta transverse abdominus. This is our deepest muscle: it’s underneath the big muscle, the rectus abdominis. That is what we call the six-pack it’s, those deep muscles, and that is the hardest to work after pregnancy, but it’s.
The most important, really, it’s the most important in general when it to working your abs. Now let’s. Just go a couple more again pulling those hip bones toward the ribcage pressing your lower back into the ground, and we’ll go one more.
I know it almost looks like I’m doing nothing, but you should feel it good work. Alright, so we’re gonna I’m, going to be making other postnatal ab workouts. We’re, always going to do that, because just a good way to engage.
I should say too, if you don’t, if you know that you have diastasis, which is that further separation of the ABS, then you want to avoid traditional ABS exercises. Everything we’re. Doing today is fine, but make sure you’re, avoiding crunches, and things like that until you know you’re healing and I’ll, be making more videos on those later, okay, so hands by your side.
I’m just going to slowly bring my feet up into a 90-degree angle, so this is tough. You’re gonna feel it just from here again. If you’re aware, I am, and you’re just getting back into this. We’re, just going to do little toe taps.
So, I’m, going to start just really small, so that’s about as far as I’m going to go today, because I am just getting these muscles back working. If you’re further along, you can tap all the way down for me that’s a little bit much so I’m just going to keep it kind of small, just barely moving coming back into that ninety degree of that tabletop, so it’s up to you.
If you want to go all the way down, just think about pushing that lower back into the ground, pulling the navel into the spine again, you can have those hands there. If that helps – and we’re going to go for three two and one good, maybe hug those knees in just a little gentle roll side to side alright, so bring those feet down about shoulder.
Width apart, we’re, going to go to a basic bridge, so we do this a lot and workouts working, glutes and hamstrings. We’re, also going to use this to work, the TVA transverse, abdominis so hands by the side.
We’re just going to slowly it’s, starting with that pelvic tilt, pulling it up slowly, roll up your spine towards those shoulder blades and then start at the top and slowly roll down so feeling each vertebra hit the ground until You get to that tailbone, so pelvic tilt pulls everything in and up and squeeze so as you get higher into that bridge.
That’s when you’re going to engage those glutes and hamstrings with that very first motion, pelvic tilt, I want you to focus on using those d-pad muscles, so not using the glutes until you start to get higher up slowly down – and I know if you’re like me.
Sometimes this stuff feels so slow, even though it feels hard to me. I want to be back doing boot, camp and jumping jacks and burpees, but I’m really going to take my time. There is no need to rush into that, and I don’t want to risk an injury for not being able to take care of my baby.
Let’s, be honest guys. We really need to be our healthiest versions of ourselves to take care of our kids and squeeze, and I can even tell I can’t get as high as I used to and that’s. Okay, let’s. Go one more pelvic tilt, pull it in slowly, roll it up and squeeze and then slowly down good, good hug.
Those knees in little stretch we’ve, got one more ab exercise and then we are stretching it out. So, a little leg slide. So again, these are great whether you’ve had a c-section, a vaginal delivery or if you have diastasis to activate the TVA.
We’re, going to take one leg and we’re just going to slowly slide it out and then slowly slide it in. So, you’re doing little heel slides. Sometimes it’s, a little bit easier. If you don’t have shoes on or if you’re, not on a mat, but just do the best.
You can slowly pulling it in again focus on those lower, deep, deep, deep, add muscle TVA as we get stronger. We’ll start bringing the leg off the ground right. So, if you’re feeling really strong or again, you’re further along in your recovery, you can certainly do that, but to really activate the TVA, let’s.
Keep legs on the ground. Little leg slides! Try not to go too fast. You’re, not actually sliding you’re controlling at the whole way, pull everything in there. We go and breathe, and don’t worry guys.
I’m, going to be making more videos, so we go along in this process that are really focused on apps because again I know that is what we want to work after baby, but we want to make sure that we have a good foundation.
First, that we don’t jump right back into those planks or crunches. Let’s, go last one and back in good or hug. Those knees in a little back stretch, roll side to side, and since we’re here, let’s. Let our legs drop to one side, just very gently.
You know this might be hard for some of us and then just open up the little stretch, so it’s kind a hard for me to get all the way over there again. My back is pretty tight, but just do the best. You can and then gently open up one knee at a time and roll it over other side.
Same thing again, it’s kind of hard for me, especially to my PEC, and we’ll, put the other side stretching out that back and then very gently guys. We’re going to roll over. So, take your time. Roll over and we’re, going to come back into that Child’s Pose.
So, we’re here. Child’s pose big reach in front. Let those fingertips reach long hips to the back. Let your head and neck relaxed! I can hear my stomach growling. Let’s, come up on all fours. Let’s. Just roll through cat to cow time to eat again, so make sure that you are staying nourished.
I know it’s really tempting to try to go into a strict diet. I would see, but we want to make sure that we are staying nourished, especially for breast feeding, but even if or not that we are staying nourished.
So, we can take care of one more and just slowly move into a seated position. Let’s. Take those feet here, just cross them in the center and just gently. Take one arm across drop the shoulder roll through the wrist you’re, almost done others also making sure we’re staying hydrated.
So we just do the whole map section without a water break, but make sure you get some right. After and stay hydrated with throughout your day, really just to the top big stretch and take it down chin to your chest and one arm reach over scratch suicide.
So, this was the first workout back, but again we’re making more videos on different levels. Some more advanced some for further along the process and lots of specialty videos for abs Pilates, getting that core back one big, deep breath in and out, and that was your post-natal workout great job, everybody…
Postnatal Workout-No Equipment (2); Bodyweight Workout for After Pregnancy (36-Minute)
This 36-minute workout uses no equipment to strengthen and tone your entire body after pregnancy, while also burning fat and calories. Options for all fitness levels, including newly postpartum, diastasis recti, and C-section recovery.
You may find the detailed transcript for the video below:
Everybody – this is your post-natal, no equipment, total body workout, that we will be working. Your entire body for both strength and cardio and we won’t need any equipment.
Just body weight moves, so this workout is for anybody in the postpartum period, whether you had your baby weeks ago or years ago, and I’m going to give you lots of different options. Even if you have diastasis recti or you’re recovering from a c-section or you’re just starting out or if you’re a little bit more advanced in your postpartum workout, you don’t need any equipment for this workout please make sure that you have been cleared by your doctor for exercise before you do this or any other workout in the postpartum period.
Are you ready? Let’s do it? Okay? So, we’re gonna start with just a quick little warmup, just hip, marching roll those shoulders to the back and to the front and then a couple big dip, deep breaths in and out so here’s, how it’s gonna work.
Every move that I give you I’m gonna have a base level or basic moved your level one. That is where you can start. If you are new or postpartum or just getting back into exercise, let’s, do some little reaches across or if you know that you have diastasis recti, which is AB separation.
If you don’t know, I have a couple videos that will show you how to check and some videos on some exercises it’s very common during pregnancy. I will link them right here so be sure to check them out.
But if you know that you have it or you aren’t sure or something feels like too much, please just stay with that level. One move you’re still gonna get a workout. I promise as we progress to those level.
Two and level removes let’s, bring our knees up that’s, where we’re gonna get a little more endurance, so a little more heart rate and a little more of the advanced version. So, you just see where you are, if you’re further along in your postpartum period, a little bit of higher fitness level – and you know you don’t have AB separation.
Then you can progress with me, but you be where you are today. Do not worry if you stay with level one that’s, why we have options because everybody is on their own journey. Some of us have had some injuries.
Some of us feel it a lot in our joints and some of them some of us are just newer in our journeys, so you be where you are today. Thank you for showing up and you showed up. You are successful today, okay, so just a little twist, but I want you to turn your whole body, so we’re, not twisting in the torso just taking it here breathe, and then I want you just to do some arm circles as we do Some little taps and then to the back so here’s, how it’s gonna work, I’m gonna start with a lower body move and I’ll.
Give you a couple of options. The third one will be a little more advanced and get your heart pumping. Just do some heel taps in the center in between our right and our left for those first ones. We’re gonna.
Do some little pulsing upper body moves? They’re gonna feel easy at first, but they’re very isolated. Almost like bar type moves, so you’ll feel it. Then we’ll. Take it down to the mat I’ll, give you a few options for some things for upper body and core and then back up, and do it all again, okay, don’t worry.
I’m gonna talk you through it. You don’t have to think at all when in doubt, just tap it out. We’re gonna have some times to get water, but you do what’s best for you. If you need a sip of water, take it if you need to hit pause and take a break that’s all totally fine again, I’m, just gonna say it again.
If you showed up you’re successful. Alright, so we’re gonna start with a little side. Lunge we’re going this way we’re just going to lean into it. So watch me here here’s. Your base level, so straight leg, get a little stretch bent leg lean into that hip looks like this.
We’re here side and that’s, your level-1 level-2. I want you to step into it. Take it back step into it. Take it back if you don’t feel steady with that. Keep with that level, one where you’re, just leaning into that hip level, two level three watch me: take it down, reach it up low to the ground.
You’re still getting the hips down you’re, not cheating. It like a cardio move, even though it is cardio drop, the hips still get low down and up. We got about 15 seconds and then we’re gonna use some of those isolations and breathe up there.
We go last three two one watch me here squeeze in for chest squeeze out for back in for chest out for back, let’s. Put one foot forward to keep our back in place, so we don’t end up arching. Your back squeeze and here so you can have hands out here or if it helps you feel it a little bit more.
You can clench those fists squeeze so think of it as a chest. Fly elbows together and shoulder blades together, elbows, together shoulder blade, elbows, shoulder blades one more. Take him to the front.
Watch me pulse those elbows right now. We feel it even though it’s, a really small movement. We’re feeling it for three pulse. The shoulder blades squeeze looks like this shoulder blades in for three to relax them down other side, so here’s, your level, one lean into it here, your feet stay in place straight leg.
On this leg bend, it here drives the hips to the back watch me hips go back so this becomes that squat motion level to step into it, step it back lean and back level. 30 touch it down, bring it up, bring it up lean, so either way it’s.
Not this, guys. You’re, not going down in your back. We’re getting down in our hips, so here drop the hips to get those hands down totally fine to stay with level, one lean and back to level two just step into it.
Ten seconds on a level three breathe one more all right here. We go squeeze it squeeze it out in out chest back so really important to work these opposing muscles, nice and tight. This is both an active recovery while we rest our heart rate, rest our legs, and then you can tell we’re feeling those arms and back who says you need weights last one more bring those elbows and pulses elbows together, squeeze four three: two Pulses back pulse, shoulder, blades, pull them in to the back four three: two shake it out rolling.
Alright, one more time with those legs, we’re gonna alternate, so your level one you’re, just side to side right and left lean into it level, two step into it down, step through side, lunge level.
Three down and reach: remember: we’re dropping in the hips. You pick where you want to be. We’re, strengthening our legs and those hips and outer thighs, but we’re also getting that heart pumping for cardio strength and cardio.
Then we get a little break on the mat and breathe. Remember you can be just side to side that feels good for you. Let’s step through staying upright or all the way down. Heart should be pumping. We gotten seconds here.
We go four, three, two, one, more tap it out. Alright grab a quick sip of water. We’re, going to go down to the mess so going down to the mat, come down on your knees. So, if you’re in the newer post-partum period or you have diastasis recti, I want you to stay on all fours.
That here’s. The really important part I want get. It feels super strong in your core and also sit a little back into your hips, so our normal all fours are here and once you kind of drop your hips back just a little bit.
So that way, we don’t have too much pressure on that course. If that feels like too much, I want you to take exactly what we’re doing to the wall, especially if you feel what a times advice is direct.
I people feel like everything’s hanging down or they can’t stay in and be supported. Take it to the wall. I’ll. Give you that option. So, we’re either here hips back, we’re gonna go down, down-up, up switch your arms left right left level.
Two down-down, up you’re, really on your knees like that me pushup level. Three, we’re here down, down, up, so you decide where you want to be, and if you still don’t feel supported. Take it to the wall.
Watch me here down, down, up, up, you can do the same thing: breathe side-to-side! It’s up to you, up-up, down-down and then switch your lead arm. You be where you are today. If that’s knees. If that’s toes, certainly if you have diastasis recti right, you’re still recovering that cord, and I want you to stay back here and just focus on your arms, doing the work or take it to the line.
If you’re a little bit further along, you can take it up to here. We gotten seconds. You’re strong. You got this yes MA last one each way and relax stretch it back right, oh okay! So, we’re gonna take it to a plank.
I’m gonna give you two three options level one I want you to do that plank on the wall, so you’ve got your elbows on the wall and you’re here. You’re, just walking your feedback. Let me see if I can show you here so you’re here just about two here and then we’re, going to tap our knees, one at a time, so that’s, your level, one, your level two! I want you to be here.
If you know you don’t have diastasis recti, and I want you to lift up on the knees, lift up on the toes down and down actually level two just lift up on the knees and then level three down-down.
So, any of those options, what I want you to think about is that the movement is coming from that breath, inhale exhale, pull everything up, keep coming up. If you can down and inhale exhale up, you can be just here.
You’re still gonna feel it I promise and breathe. We’re on that wall. We’re. Just doing alternating knees, breathe, breathe up to you. Whatever you are, let’s. Finish: tense, inhale, exhale, pull it up all the way up.
If you can really important, if you have Isis is recti or you think you do, I want you to stay on the wall and breathe, last one right here and roll back stretch. It back whoop those are tough right, so that was a lot of core a lot of upper-body.
Let’s. Take it back up, grab a quick sip of water. If you need it remember, hydration is so important for everybody, but especially in that postpartum period, our bodies are still working in recovery and especially if you are nursing, if you’re breastfeeding really on hydrate and get those electrolytes okay.
So we’re starting here, but once before I want you to stand by the wall. If you can or a countertop put our back of a couch chair something so you have that option for balance. I want you to start here and watch me.
First, for your low one, you’re, just tapping back with a slight bend in the front knee and here so it’s, a little modified half lunge just here to here level. Two! I want you to take it all the way down, bring it up.
You can still have balance if you want and level three bring that knee up or little jump it’s. Up to you, we’re gonna. Do that first side, never gonna take some curls, some curls and out for our arm isolations in between here we go so level one just tap it back push you that front heel tap it back.
So, this is a great way to modify those lunges. If you feel too much in your knees, if you can drop it down, bring it up, I know a lot of times. People have a hard time with lunges because of that back knee you can always keep the work in that front.
Leg. Level-3 drive that knee up or jump it. It’s up to you, breathe, whoop, right down and up or here or here, small little taps any of those. Often, it’s level 1, level 2, level 3. You got 15 seconds to finish.
It out, I know it’s burning, please 4, 3, 2 1 real, actually get out Watchmen up out in and down so bicep curls squeeze for your back again. One foot forward breathing like that was just forward so arms and back again this is so we catch our breath in between that leg work, but also so we get those small isolations bring it all the way up there we go 4-3.
I know they feel kind of silly like we need weights. Trust me, you’re gonna, feel it and hear little pulses pulse towards your shoulders. Eight seven six, five, four three two halfway down pulse in your back same muscles as we did four three two, switch at other side.
Here we go tap it back level, one in that lunge position level; one little tap or two drop it down. We’re, going to switch up our second set of arm isolations with a little bit of triceps. We did biceps and back now we’ll, do triceps and back level three bring it up with that knee, keep it controlled or little jump breathe.
You pick your option level. One little tap with that front leg is a little bend doing the work level to drop it down any of these options. You can have the wall for balance breathe 15 seconds. Never I’m facing away from my clock.
Sometimes I think it’s got ta, be time right, breathe for three one bring it up. Watch me up in and down push from the side squeeze push back like you’re, pushing to the ceiling up, so it’s, not biceps.
Here it’s, pushed up squeeze in up squeezing up squeeze pushing my hands to the back and pushing together behind my back three more like this three two one more, watch me here, flat hands push-push up to the ceiling towards the back.
Please eight seven, six, five four three watch me here at thumbs: together, pulse back of the arms and your back, eight seven, six, five, four three two shake them out, find your balance alternate. So, just like we did with those side lunges you’re, alternating right and left.
You can still use that balance level, one level to breathe level three jumped this is advanced so for a lot of us in the postpartum period. Even me, and I’m several months postpartum with my second – that’s too much.
So I’m. Just gonna alternate with the lunges totally fine to be loved a one where you just bend that front leg tap. Its back to breathe, go way down. If you’re feeling it yep. Here we go 4. 3. 2. 1. Shake it up.
Patchy reps grab a sip of water. We are taking you down whoa to the mat right. Hmm nice work team, all right, so catch your breath, breathe. We’ve got one upper body in one core. So, watch me here level, one on the wall.
Again, if you know you have diastasis recti or newer postpartum still heal here healing your core. Take it to the wall watch me: I’m, going out push up, bring them in really close. Push up, looks like this out.
Push up bring them in elbows are in super close, so we get back at the arms on the wall out. Push up bring them in push up. Keep that core in tight the entire time. And if you’re on the wall, you’re, really only moving back just a little bit to keep that core engaged, but not where we’re, putting pressure so stay there.
If you want, you can also be in those all fours out, push bring it in. Remember our weight is back in our hips or on the knees or all the on the hands out push it up this one’s. Art, even if you get something small out, make sure that course is engaged out totally fine to be on the wall to if it’s bothering your wrists, I know sometimes a lot of us, especially if we haven’t done this for a while, or sometimes we can get some carpal tunnel, I’m breastfeeding or holding our babies, so just keep it on the wall or keep it on those knees engage here we go out, bring it in, take it out, bring it in.
Take it out four, three, one more and gonna tip back right. We feel that one right ha okay, so go ahead and take it down on to your side, we’re gonna, come into a side plank everybody to lift it up and just bring that knee into your chest and down into your chest and down, so we’re, holding that side like if that feels like too much you can say.
All of this is safer, diastasis recti, but you’re, not crunching. You’re, just bringing the knee up and down. If you want all the way up, eight seven, it’s, small six, five, four, three, two, one- drop it down, leave it here, clamshell open it up.
So, this you can be on your elbow or all the way down the up and down or if you’re feeling good about it, lift those knees up breathe. This is more advanced if you have to die sisters, wreck dive or your newer stay down here.
If you can put them here, four three: two one down, roll it up from your side: roll yourself down on to that other side, starting with that side plank. So, we’re here, lift it up into that side plank nice and secure knee to your chest, bring it in.
So again we’re, not flexing extending. We’re, just lifting to engage that core. You can be here too, or all the way up: six, I’m sweating. I don’t know about you, five four, three, two drop it down, clamshell open it up, so you can be here or all the way down rest your head and move my mic pack.
If you want a little more advanced, lift those knees. Please let’s, go for more wherever you are four three two one and row back so bring it up stretch it over both sides. We got one more thing up top for a little bit of legs and cardio, and then we’re, taking it down to then that water, if you need it from sweating alright.
So here we go join me here, a basic level, level one, plie, squat tour, isn’t tight, pull everything up and in so think about that pelvic floor, gentle lift , so not squeezing super tight, just pull up and in as we pull that deep core in level two slide it in heels, together, inner thighs down squeeze breathe.
Let’s, just keep it with one and two: eight-seven-six-five for three, let’s hold it down in that play last little push right here. Everything’s in tight little pulses. If you want a little extra cardio little baby jump or pulse burn in here burn in here.
Pull that core in tight. This is your last little push get that heart pumping wherever you are, then everything else is on the mat. You did it. Eight seven, six, five, four, three, two relax quick! So, tap that out shake it out, grab a quick sip of water.
We’re gonna go down on the mat, just got a couple, little upper body and core things, and then we are done grab some water keep those feet to happen and then let’s. Take it down onto the mat okay. So, we are down on the mat we’ve just got a few things to go, so we’re, going to go ahead and come to a seated position so take those legs out in the front. However, it is most comfortable and bring your hands in right here, so we just really important want to make sure that we feel supported in our core.
If we see, let me see in coning or domine that we talked about with diastasis recti or you don’t feel comfortable. I want you to bring your feet up to here, if you can take them out to here. So here is your basic level.
We’re just going to start low here and then just extend up open up that chest. Hold it here and then drop it down. So just like a little mini triceps and once your arms to do the work. So, keep that core engaged think about that belly, breathing core and tight down and up so if you want, then we’re gonna take it lifting it up here.
Take it down, lift everything up, so you can do that same move with your knees bent if that feels a little better. I want you to try to be straight leg lifted here. So again, those are your first two options: just pushing up and through strong in the core arms are doing the work or taking it down.
Lift the hips use the arms, lift the hips one more option. Add a leg, lift a little bit of chords down. I have a leg: lift that’s hard for me, but you can do it up. But if you want to stay with those first, two options: option 1 or option 2 – that’s; fine too down and up breathe and two more that’s one and who hags right.
Arms are tired stretch that forward whoa all right, breathe from there. Let’s. Take it over onto our side, so we’re here into a side plank. I’m gonna start on my knees. That’s gonna, be your first level one hand up: let’s, lift it up, hold it here, breathe and then drop it down, lift it up, hold and drop.
It down level two: you’re up almost feet up, hold and drop it down hold last one. We’re gonna add a little leg, lift-lift and yeah. So, any of those options will do you just be where you are. If you have diastasis recti or you’re new or postpartum stay with that first level breathe.
Yes, let’s, go last for four and breathe three. This is fine to our knees to one more breathe and you’re ringing up on that arm. It over nice work swing those legs around to that other side, starting here, everybody start with basic just to get a feel for where you are up hold, focus on that breathing, deep bread and up and hold and down.
If you’re feeling a lot of pressure in the shoulder make sure you’re not out here, elbows should be directly below the shoulders up on the feet. If you month up, hold down hold and then last level take it up, leg lifts little outer thighs right up leg lifts here, we go, you pick your level read this hand can be here or up.
If you’re feeling good about it. One side is usually harder than the other that’s. Ok, remember! If you have diastasis recti or a newer postpartum stay here and breathe, two more up hold last one and relax, bring it over here over right, catch your breath and then let’s.
Take it down onto our back two more things and we are done so go down on to your side roll onto your back and we are going to start with a little bit. Of course. So, watch me focus on that belly breathing to start drop.
One knee to the side. Exhale bring the knee to the chest. Keep the feet on the ground to start drop. One knee inhale exhale deep core in knee to chest, one more time with your basic level, level one inhale exhale, one more time, inhale exhale, so your level to take it up to here, inhale exhale, bring it in inhale exhale.
If you have diastasis recti stay with that first one, breathe and then last level both knees down bring it in both knees. Little lifts make sure that you don’t have any what we call intra-abdominal pressure.
You don’t, see any coning or doming or feel like that’s too much pressure dad before you go to this level, breathe down little – if you want you, can say with that mid-level, bring it in bring it in or down to the ground.
Down drop little drop. Here we go four, three, more three. Any of those options. You do you last one, one more and hug those knees in gentle roll side to side. Let’s. Take it here.
We’re gonna roll up into that bridge. So, start with that, deep tea, a breath, exhale roll everything up and then take it all the way down. So, this is your base level here this one pretty much everyone can do.
We’re, just gonna give you some options at the top. So, you’re, just starting here, inhale exhale last one inhale, so you can stay at that base level and just keep working through your breathing or take it up to here and we’re gonna drop it down and up squeeze Those knees in and out down enough to keep that core in tight squeeze, and I you’re, probably okay, to be here.
If that feels okay for you, it is diastasis recti-safe. We’re, getting inner outer so drop the hips pull the core and glutes squeeze inner squeeze out back to neutral drop. The hips pull the core and hips up in out two more drop, pull it up in last, one drop.
Let’s. Hold it here in and out squeeze inner thighs outer thighs keep that core in keep the hips lifted in the glutes breathe. Here we go four three, two one Andrew laughs, hug, those knees and burry the rule.
Side-To-Side. Let’s. Do one last little bonus chord move. Take them down. Watch me here’s, your level, one! It’s that dead bug. We’re gonna start with our feet on the ground, so opposite arm opposite leg.
Think of it as that little leg slide opposite arm opposite leg. Dead bug is such a good exercise because we’re, not doing any final spinal flexion or extension, so really great to work that deep core, even when we’re, getting back into it after having a baby or if we have back Pain, if you can take it up to here, inhale exhale, inhale everything in well.
Think of this as a little bit of a stretch, part of our cooldown, even though it’s, a very challenging core move, you can keep those feet down, make it a leg slide if you want or take it here down up breathe for more Than we’re done for up three belly breathing one more hug, those knees and very gentle roll side to side you did it go ahead and very gently roll to your side.
Push yourself up on to the side. Let’s, get a quick little stretch. So, if you can take those feet out in front, they can be further apart. They can be out in front a few deep, breaths and then just stretch over.
I know we’re. All pretty tight in here, but especially after having babies, one more. Just here, mostly focus on letting your head and neck relax into it. Pull your toes towards you. Don’t worry too much about hunching over I don’t want you to put too much pressure on the ABS, but just getting that stretch, let’s, bring the knees in take them out from here and breathe.
Sort of just they can be out in front gentle press out on the knees again let the shoulders drop forward and then see the position just couple big rolls through those shoulders reach those hands to the back and take them to the front.
To your chest and up top as always getting more of a stretch and a cool-down on your own over to the side and other side, one victory birth in and out, and that was your postnatal, no equipment, total body workout…
30-Min Home Workout for New Mom Belly
This is a 30-min belly fat workout for new moms to burn the stubborn belly fat that resulted from pregnancy. You may find this workout challenging so doing this 3-4x a week is just perfect!
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